Thursday, August 18, 2011

First and Foremost...

As the title implies (or screams...) I am a recent college graduate with no direction. I am currently working in a job that has nothing to do with my degree (SURPRISE!). But luckily, it is a job where I get to sit and do things like blog, read about anything in the world (Did you know that Kim Kardashian had to cut her guest list? Or that there have only been a guy can parallel park in a spot slightly bigger then the car (Which as you will learn, I would need 2 new bumpers after doing)). I just want to know, how many people out there feel the same way that I do? How many other people need some hope that yes, maybe you can get a job that you actually want to do that fits the "skills" that you were taught in school? I know I do!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a sophomore in college and I worry about this too. Praying the economy is considerably better by the time I graduate.
